Hey guys – thanks for hanging with us. We haven’t put up new pages in a while, but work continues on GUARDIAN OF THE GATES. Scripts are written and art is underway – our plan is to start publishing again when we can commit to a regular schedule again.

We do have something big to share with you, though. When we created GUARDIAN, we envisioned it as a kickass animated series or movie – and over the last few months, we’ve taken another step towards that goal.

pilot-thumbnailWe wrote a Pilot script. Here it is. Check it out.

We’ve shared a lot of our process with you guys, but there is one part we’ve kept to ourselves – that we’ve had occasional nibbles from producers and managers and animation houses, interested in GUARDIAN’s potential as a movie or TV show. There was always one hitch – the funds needed to hire a writer for a script.

Now we’ve, hopefully, removed a big hitch. Here it is – the beginning of what we know can and will be an awesome adventure, with limitless potential.

If you like our comic, read the Pilot. And if you like the Pilot, spread the word – we’re here and we’re ready to do this thing.

Guard on, pals.

All the best
Walt & Mike